Ross Gordon

Teri Dryden

"Amusing Myself"
Benjamin Cook

"Female as Thunder"
Leslie Lyons

Thaniel Ion Lee

Christyl Boger

Nathan Hendrickson

Jenna Richards

Exhibition shot
Shayne Hull
For this exhibit joel Feldman took drawings, drawn directly on cherry plywood from a mixed group of children, Congolese and Hispanic immigrants along with local children, ages eight to 12 years old and carved them into woodblocks. Rather than printing the blocks, the artist decided to lightly ink and display them as a wooden object.
Irahs jean Loste; Rat and the Hat

Exhibition shot
Jacob Heustis
August 30th - September 28th, 2013

When the artist was about ten years old he happened to tour a long abandoned school for girls where he noticed mirrors graffitied with the names, dates and concerns of the wealthy young ladies who had once attended. It was explained to him that these "rich girls defaced the property using their diamond rings", an image that never left his mind. Rich girls doing bad things -- or were they just marking their time, as prisoners might. For this exhibit, he began an exhaustive examination of Debutantes from the early part of the 20th century to the present. Using a diamond ring as a drawing utensil, he has rendered a series of portraits of youth and beauty, of lives lived lavishly, delicately, and sometimes stunningly tragically, on large scale plate glass mirrors where every shifting light reveals a new nuance.
Thaniel Ion Lee
June 14th - July 12th, 2013

2 Dice Painting #1, performed by Gibbs Rounsavall

For this exhibit at Swanson Contemporary, Thaniel Ion Lee has set out to make things through issuing a set of instructions both to himself and his artists collaborators. He asked himself to explore things that can be done with a canvas -- drag it down the street, smash it with a stone, puncture it, paint a lousy failed painting on it and attempt to cover it up, bite it, draw on it blindly and so on.To the other eight artists in this exhibit he issued a series of instructions to create (perform) a work, leaving enough ambiguity that each collaborator is able to bring her or his own point of view to the piece. Three of these works involve creating a grid and tossing a dye to decide which color goes where. Two others involve tracing the shadows of a rotating plant, and one even instructs the performing artist to piece together copy paper and dab it with a condiment (Douglas chose mustard). Yet another instructs the artist performer to measure and mark nine points of his body and paint them on a surface the color of his eyes and the diameter of his ring finger.Lee, who works without the benefit of hands, attended IUS and has had numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout the Louisville area and Indiana, including work at the Speed Art Museum and the new Speed Local, The Louisville Visual Art Association, The New Center for Contemporary Art, Swanson Contemporary, and others galleries. His art appears in numerous public and private collections. He also works as a free lance curator and an experimental musician.
Patrick Smith
Aug. 1 - Sept.1

"A Wilderness of Monkeys"
Rodney Hatfield aka Art Snake
April 3 - May 10